Life expectancy in New Zealand continues to increase

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Life expectancy in New Zealand continues to increase

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통계청에따르면, 뉴질랜드국민들의평균수명(life expectancy)지속적으로증가하고있는것으로나타난다 .현재여자의 평균수명은 82.7세이고, 남자의평균수명은 78.8세이다

Life expectancy in New Zealand continues to increase

A newborn girl can be expected to live, on average, 82.7 years, and a newborn boy 78.8 years, Statistics New Zealand said today. The latest life expectancy figures are included in the final abridged period life table for 2008–10.

"New Zealand's life expectancy at birth has increased by 0.3 years for females and 0.4 years for males since 2007–09," Population Statistics manager Andrea Blackburn said.

Abridged life tables are produced annually using deaths registered over a three-year period. They provide a range of mortality measures, including life expectancy, for age groups at the national level.

Recent statistics from birth registrations show that in the June 2011 year:

* 62,660 live births were registered, down 1,460 (2 percent) from the June 2010 year

* birth registrations included 30,570 girls and 32,090 boys

* the birth rate was 2.1 births per woman, down from 2.2 in the June 2010 year

* the majority of mothers (89 percent) were aged between 20 and 39 years.

Recent statistics from death registrations show that in the June 2011 year:

* 29,320 deaths were registered, up 480 (2 percent) from the June 2010 year

* there were more deaths among those aged 90 years and over, up 450 compared with the June 2010 year

* infant deaths (under one year of age) numbered 310 and the infant mortality rate (infant deaths per 1,000 live births) was 4.9.

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