Prime Minister’s Column-Building New Zealand’s potential through science and innovation.과학과 혁신을 통한 잠재력 개발

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Prime Minister’s Column-Building New Zealand’s potential through scien…

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Encouraging the public, especially young people, to take an active interest in science and innovation is a high priority for this Government, as both play important roles in improving New Zealand’s economic potential and international competitiveness.

I was happy to see a number of announcements in this area last week.One of these came from Youth Minister Nikki Kaye, who launched the ‘Youth Enterprise Fund’, aimed at helping today’s young people become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.

The $2 million fund was part of the Government’s 2014 Budget announcement of $2.5 million for youth enterprise initiatives.

This funding is available for new or existing projects, including internships, business start-ups and mentoring opportunities. Projects can occur in a school, tertiary, business or community setting.

Last week I got the opportunity to present the winners of the 2014 Prime Minister’s Science Prizes.

The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes recognise researchers of the highest quality who are working on projects that are of real benefit to New Zealand.

Five prizes are presented each year, with the aim of highlighting the way science underpins innovation, and helps to build a more competitive and productive economy.

Both the Youth Enterprise Fund and the Prime Minister’s Science Prizes are about growing the next generation of confident citizens, who can contribute to their communities and make an impact in ways that deliver cultural, economic and environmental benefits to all.

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