NZ인구조사 2013년 3월에 실시 될 예정

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NZ인구조사 2013년 3월에 실시 될 예정

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금년 3월에실시될예정이었으나, 크라이스트처치지진으로인해연기된있는인구조사가 2013.3월에실시될예정입니다-Maurice Williamson 통계장관 -

-기사 원문-
Census to be held in March 2013

The passing of a Bill in Parliament last night allows the next census to be held in March 2013, Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson says.

The Duties of Statutory Officers (Census and Other Remedial Provisions) Bill amends the Statistics Act 1975 and the Statutes, Drafting and Compilation Act 1920.

The census is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand and gives a unique snapshot of our communities.

“Businesses, community groups and local government need this critical information,” Mr Williamson says.

“It also means the Maori Electoral Option and the review of electoral boundaries can still go ahead before the 2014 election.”

The 8 March 2011 Census had to be deferred following the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February.

The Duties of Statutory Officers (Census and Other Remedial Provisions) Bill can be viewed on the New Zealand Legislation website at

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