Reflecting on what best represents New Zealand 새국기 국민투표

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Reflecting on what best represents New Zealand 새국기 국민투표

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Our flag is the most important symbol of our national identity and I believe that this is the right time for New Zealanders to consider changing the design to one that better reflects our status as a modern, independent nation.

This is why, last week, I announced along with Deputy Prime Minster Bill English the details of the flag referendum process. We have invited all political parties represented in Parliament to take part in this process by asking them to nominate an MP to become a part of a cross-party group of MP’s, who will have two key tasks in this process.

The first will be nominating suitable candidates for a Flag Consideration Panel, which will be a group of respected New Zealanders who will seek submissions from the public on a new  flag designs, ideas and suggestions. 

This will be the public’s chance to have a say on what an alternative flag design should be, and I would encourage the public who do have ideas to put them forward to be considered.The second task for this cross-party group of MP’s will be to review the draft legislation which will enable the proposed two binding referendums on the flag to go ahead. 

The first referendum, which will be held late next year, will invite the public to choose a preferred design from a range of three to four designs put forward by the Flag Consideration Panel.

The second referendum, which will be in 2016, will be a run-off between the preferred design selected in the first referendum and the current flag.It is important to remember that retaining the current flag is a possible outcome of this process and the consideration of different flag options will be done carefully, respectfully and 
with no presumption for change.

New Zealanders have been debating whether our flag should be changed for many years. This process will put this issue to bed by allowing all New Zealanders the chance to reflect on, and have their say on, what flag design they believe best represents our country.

I believe that it’s a public debate that is worth having.
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