Supporting children to get the best start to life 아이들이 삶에 최고의 출발을 할 수 있도록 지원..

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Supporting children to get the best start to life 아이들이 삶에 최고의 출발을 할 수 …

일요시사 0 681

Children are getting the best start in life thanks to the National-led Government.Over recent weeks, we've released updates on several of our initiatives that are benefitting children.These include our B4 School Checks, which aim to identify and address any potential health or developmental problems with your child at an early age.

Latest figures show a record 92 per cent of eligible four-year-olds received this free comprehensive health and development check this year.We have invested around $10 million in this programme each year since 2008 to provide these free checks, which have benefited more than 300,000 children.

We're also immunising more children against potentially serious childhood diseases. Our latest immunisation figures show 93 per cent of eight-month-old babies are fully immunised, which is up from 67 per cent in 2007. 

Since we introduced the pneumococcal vaccine in 2008 there have been approximately 600 fewer cases of invasive and potentially fatal pneumococcal disease in children under five. 

On 1 July this year, our policy of free doctors' visits and prescriptions was extended to children under 13, benefitting around 750,000 children across the country.

We are ensuring parents can take their child to the doctor any time day or night without having to worry about the cost.Our emphasis on the health of young Kiwis is translating into good outcomes in our classrooms around the country. 

Public Achievement Information just released for 2014 shows that primary school achievement in writing and mathematics has increased in almost all of New Zealand’s local body regions since 2011.

The proportion of 18-year-olds with NCEA Level 2 has also risen in every region.  The breakdown shows that between 2011 and 2014 the percentage of 18-year-olds with NCEA Level 2 rose by between 3.8 per cent and 18.4 per cent on a regional basis.

This is setting our kids up to go on to achieve in tertiary education and in the workplace.The National-led Government is committed to supporting families through our public services, and to ensuring all young New Zealanders have the best opportunity for success in their lives.

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