PM Column- Empowering youth for a successful future.

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PM Column- Empowering youth for a successful future.

일요시사 0 807

Last week was Youth Week and I was able to join Youth Affairs Minister, Nikki Kaye at Tawa School where she announced that the government is investing $2.5 million of new spending over the next three years for youth enterprise initiatives. This funding will support a number of initiatives for young people to learn financial literacy and business enterprise skills, as well as get opportunities to develop social-enterprise projects.

We know what a difference participation in these initiatives can make to young people, particularly by giving them the skills and confidence to create businesses or social projects that are important to them and make a difference to New Zealanders.

I've had the opportunity to see first-hand how organisations like Young Enterprise Trust and Inspiring Stories Trust are helping young people to think about how they can contribute to our economy and social and environmental causes that are important to them.

The funding is for the next three years with $500,000 for 2014/15 and $1 million for each of the following years.

Last week I was again honoured to be invited by President Obama to meet with him at the White House in Washington DC on Friday, 20 June.

This invitation shows the very close relationship between the United States and New Zealand.

I look forward to meeting with President Obama so I can get the chance to discuss a number of important topics for New Zealand. For example: the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations, our bilateral relationship, as well as exchange views on current regional and international issues.

While in Washington DC, I will take this opportunity to meet with a range of Congressional representatives and Business leaders. As well as continuing to lead New Zealand’s bid to win a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for 2015-16.

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