P M’s Column- Investing in New Zealand 뉴질랜드 투자

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P M’s Column- Investing in New Zealand 뉴질랜드 투자

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Last week, the Government announced it had agreed to become a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. 

The Bank is a Chinese-led initiative aimed at addressing the gap in infrastructure investment within the Asian region. 

Asia is important to New Zealand’s future so it makes sense to contribute to infrastructure investment in the region. Our membership will enhance our already strong economic, trade, and investment links with the region.

Improving infrastructure will help to increase growth in the Asian region, which will benefit New Zealand. It is expected the bank will have initial capital of aroud $100 billion to invest and New Zealand’s paid-in capital will be around $125 million over five years.

The National-led Government believes investing in infrastructure is critical to building a more competitive and productive economy. 

That’s why we’re investing in initiatives such as the Roads of National Significance, our accelerated regional roading package, rolling out ultra-fast broadband to 80 per cent of New Zealanders, as well as investing in irrigation and urban cycle ways.

In Budget 2015, we committed a further $360 million to our ultra-fast and rural broadband intiaitives. This brings our total funding across both programmes to $2 billion and will ensure New Zealanders have world-class connectivity.   

Last week, Communications Minister Amy Adams announced the build programme for the first stage of ultra-fast broadband had reached the halfway point.

The project continues to be on budget and well ahead of schedule with over 618,000 homes, workplaces and schools now able to connect to the UFB network. The build is now complete in 11 towns and cities.

Our investment in ultra-fast broadband will result in increased productivity, more jobs, and better outcomes in health and education for New Zealanders.Budget 2015 also provided $374 million for school infrastructure, including building 241 new classrooms at schools across the country, with almost half of them to be built in Auckland.

The National-led Government is building world-class infrastructure to encourage greater innovation and help encourage our economy to grow.
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