Prime Minister’s Column- Taking our place in the world and in the pacific.

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Prime Minister’s Column- Taking our place in the world and in the pac…

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On a recent trip to Papua New Guinea to attend the Pacific Islands Forum I announced that over the next three years the Government will increase the amount of development assistance provided in the Pacific by $100 million, taking our total investment to $1 billion.

The decision to allocate close to 60 per cent of our growing aid budget to the Pacific recognises the importance we place on our neighbourhood, the challenges we collectively face, and the enormous potential our region has.

Our investment will focus on partnering with other Pacific Governments to develop the areas of their economy that have the greatest potential for growth, including fisheries, tourism and agriculture.

We will also continue to invest in the areas that underpin sustainable economic development such as access to affordable, reliable and clean energy, ICT connectivity, and education.

New Zealand has been at the forefront of efforts to shift the Pacific’s reliance on fossil fuels to renewable electricity. Work to address energy insecurity and to build resilience will continue over the next three years as we step up our support for climate change adaptation.

As a Pacific nation, New Zealand is committed to helping our closest neighbours develop their economies, and build a prosperous and stable region.This week, I am in New York for the United Nations General Assembly for Leaders’ Week, which marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations. 

As you’d expect, there’ll be a significant turnout of world leaders and Heads of State this year, which provides a great chance to discuss a variety of key issues for New Zealand with international counterparts.

I view these meetings as an important opportunity to progress New Zealand’s Security Council priorities and raise other key New Zealand priorities, like TPP. I attended the opening of the 70th General Assembly yesterday, and on Thursday I’ll give New Zealand’s statement in the general debate.

President Obama’s Leader’s Summit on countering ISIL and violent extremism is an important forum, and I’ll be attending that meeting. As you know, New Zealand is contributing to the international fight against ISIL. 

ISIL is a serious and growing threat to global peace and security, and it’s important that world leaders continue to engage on the appropriate responses to tackle ISIL, and violent extremism more broadly. 

As always, I’ll have a number of businesses and other meetings scheduled while in New York, including a speech to the Asia Society on trade and the economy. I will also take every opportunity I get to promote New Zealand to New York audiences, and I’ll be making the most of these to talk about New Zealand’s strength in business and tourism.
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