PM's Column-New Zealand’s economy is continuing on the right track 정상궤도위의 뉴질랜드 경제

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PM's Column-New Zealand’s economy is continuing on the right track 정상궤…

일요시사 0 669

One of the National-led Government’s four main priorities this term is to build a more productive and competitive economy, because that’s the best way to create more jobs and increase wages.

Last week, the Government announced more results to highlight our approach is working for New Zealanders.

Finance Minister Bill English announced the Government’s operating balance for the seven months to January was a surplus of $77 million. 

This is the first time the Government’s books have shown a part year surplus since 2009 and demonstrates the strides we have made in improving the Government’s finances. 

Our economy is continuing to grow, employment is increasing, and wages overall are rising. Consumers are benefiting from low inflation and a long period of stable, low interest rates.

New Zealand is doing well compared to most other countries. Economic growth is expected to average around 3 per cent over the next four years and recent official statistics have shown continuing strong employment growth, with 80,000 more jobs added in the past year. 

All the regions have experienced economic growth, with several regions growing well above the national average, including Southland (11 per cent) Canterbury (10.6 per cent), Marlborough (10.3 per cent) Waikato (10.1 per cent) and Northland (7.8 per cent). 

These strong economic results are also attracting more people from overseas to New Zealand. 

The latest migration trends report shows the number of skilled migrant resident approvals increased by 12 per cent in the 2013/14 financial year, after showing decreases over the previous four years.

More than 20,000 people were approved residency under the skilled migrant category last year, and there was also an 18 per cent increase in the number of essential skills workers – the second consecutive increase since the start of the global financial crisis. 

These figures clearly show that New Zealand is a favoured destination for skilled migrants and the Government’s policies are attracting the right people.

Our programme is delivering results for New Zealanders and their families. We will continue working hard over the next few years to build on the gains we have made.
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