PM Column-Prioritising the health of our communities 청소년 정신건강 증진

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PM Column-Prioritising the health of our communities 청소년 정신건강 증진

일요시사 0 814

The health, safety, and wellbeing of our children, and our communities, is essential. That’s why this week we will introduce, and pass under urgency, legislation removing all remaining ‘legal highs’ from sale in New Zealand. These products will not be back on shelves until they overcome significant hurdles to prove without a doubt that they are safe for people to use.

The onus is on the manufacturers to prove their products are low risk. After significant testing and with strict regulation we can control what substances are sold, and where they are sold. This is essential to providing safer communities.

People sometimes forget health is about more than just physical wellbeing; mental health, our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are just as important. In New Zealand, around one in five young people experience mental health issues during adolescence.

In 2012 I launched the Prime Minister’s Youth Mental Health Project to develop initiatives to improve youth mental health.

Last week I was excited to launch SPARX e-therapy, an online game-style tool to help young people develop skills to deal with feeling down, depressed, or stressed.

 Around three-quarters of young people with depression or anxiety will not see a mental health professional and do not receive treatment. SPARX is a simple and effective therapy which can be accessed easily by young people. It is also designed to fit alongside other forms of mental health treatment including face-to-face therapy, medication, family therapy, and working on other issues like dealing with bullying and addressing alcohol or drug abuse.

New Zealand recording artist Stan Walker is generously supporting the initiative allowing his latest single “Bully” to be used to get the SPARX message out to young people. I encourage you to check out the website to learn more about this great project –

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