PM's Column-National government continues to help families 가정들을 위한 국민당의 지속적인 도움

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PM's Column-National government continues to help families 가정들을 위한 국민당…

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The National-led Government continues to work hard to make New Zealand an even better place to live, work and raise a family and next week a number of important policies come into effect that will benefit families.

From 1 April, our $218 million HomeStart package will help an estimated 90,000 low and middle income first home buyers into their own home over the next five years – 40,000 more than would have been helped under previous policies.

This package doubles the grants for those who are buying or building a brand-new home and increases the house-price limits.Individuals will now be eligible for HomeStart grants of up to $10,000, and couples up to $20,000, if they have been in KiwiSaver for five years to help towards a deposit to buy their own home. They will also be allowed to withdraw all their KiwiSaver funds, except for the $1000 kick start, to put towards buying a home.

On top of that, more people will be able to get Welcome Home Loans, which means they require only a 10 per cent deposit to get a government-guaranteed loan.

Another change which comes into effect next week is an extension to paid parental leave. Paid parental leave will increase from 14 to 16 weeks on 1 April this year and then again to 18 weeks on 1 April 2016. Next week, parental tax credits will also increase from a maximum of $150 a week to $220 a week and be extended from eight to ten weeks.

Official statistics released last week showed New Zealand’s economy grew 3.5 per cent in the year to December 2014 – the highest annual rate since September 2007 and one of the highest growth rates in the developed world.

It is only through a strong economy that we are able to deliver important policies like these that will benefit New Zealand families. A strong economy also leads to more jobs and better wages.

Finally, our thoughts are with our Pacific neighbours, particularly the people of Vanuatu, following the devastation caused by Cyclone Pam.

The Government has so far pledged $2.5 million to help with immediate relief, we have sent a number of flights to deliver vital relief supplies, and the HMNZS Canterbury will also be sent to support the recovery effort in Vanuatu.

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