Annie's Photo ESSAY (44)
이삭 줍기
출사 중 몇 시간 남은 여유 시간이 아까워 헌팅에 나선 작가.
뜻하지 않게 작가의 눈에 띈 안개가 뒤덮은 거대한 자연.
영화에서나 본 듯한 장소가 웅장하고 아름답다.
새로운 개척지 이삭 줍기에 흥분한 작가가 개선장군처럼 걸어오네.
언제나 출사 전 색다른 작가만의 작품을 찍기 위해 완벽한 준비를 하지만,
작가도 출사 전 모르던 장소가 있었다는 것이 신기하다.
원숭이도 나무에서 떨어질 날이 있다더니…
남섬의 오마라마 근교에서
A surprise windfall
The artist was wandering for new places to take photos as he
had a few hours of spare time.
He found a magnificent natural piece of nature that was
unexpectedly covered in fog.
It was like the places I have seen in movies, it was magnificent and beautiful.
The artist was excited about finding a surprise windfall.
He was walking towards me like a general.
The artist always perfectly prepares to take his own style of photos
different from others.
It was strange that there was a place that the artist did not know
before he left.
Near Omarama in the South Island