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한국 관광객 감소

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관광청은 아시아 국가 출신 방문객들이 지속적으로 증가함에도불구하고, 금년 7월 중 뉴질랜드를 찾은 해외 방문객수가 지난해 동기 대비 3.7% 감소한 176,084명으로 집계 되었다고 밝혔습니다.

하지만 같은 시기에 중국, 싱가폴 및 말레이시아 출신 관광객들의 수는 증가하였으나, 한국 출신 관광객들은  17.2%가감소하였다고 발표했습니다. 

-기사 원문-

Continued Asian growth but July international arrivals down

19 August 2011

Continued Asian growth but July international arrivals down overall

Despite continued growth from parts of Asia, international arrivals into New Zealand fell by 3.7 per cent during July 2011 to 176,084 when compared to the same month in 2010 (182,904), Statistics New Zealand figures released today show.

July arrivals from China (up 20.6 per cent), Singapore (up 17.3 per cent) and Malaysia (up 74.0 per cent) continued a strong run of growth. However this was not enough to offset falls in the UK (down 11.9 per cent), US (down 12.7 per cent), Japanese (down 32.6 per cent), Korean (down 17.2 per cent) and German (down 7.2 per cent) markets.

New Zealand welcomed 91,664 Australian visitors during July, representing a decrease of 3.3 per cent compared to the same month last year.

Tourism New Zealand Chief Executive Kevin Bowler said further analysis of Australian arrivals during July revealed a more positive picture as the month progressed.

“A weekly breakdown of Australian arrivals through July shows a much improved second half of the month where numbers were only marginally down on last year.

“The beginning of the month saw larger declines compared to last year and it’s quite possible there was a hangover from the Trans-Tasman flight disruptions experienced in June due to the Chilean ash cloud.

“Again the brightest news is coming out of the Asian region, where for the fourth month in a row, Singapore and Malaysia delivered double-digit growth on the back of the new aviation links that commenced in March and April this year.

“The growth story is similar for China and initiatives such as the recent improvements Immigration New Zealand has made to the Chinese travel visa application process, should help boost the number of Chinese visitors even further in future.”

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